The Nursing Memorial Book follows an established tradition set initially by the Registered Nurses Association of BC (RNABC), carried on by it's successor the College of Registered Nurses of BC (CRNBC) and then the Association of Registered Nurses of BC (ARNBC) by creating an historical record honouring deceased nurses who deserve recognition for their contributions to nursing in B.C.
NNPBC is honoured to carry on this tradition.
All B.C. nurses representing every designation are eligible, please review our parameters for inclusion.
Nominations must include:
- The nominees full name
- Dates of birth and death
- A photograph of the nominee
- A 200-300 word 'overview' of the nominee and their contributions to nursing
- A CV or resume (if available)
The deadline for submission is November 1, 2024.
Please submit packages to
Nursing Memorial Book
Parameters for inclusion:
- The nurse (of any nursing designation e.g. LPN, NP, RN or RPN) will have been registered in British Columbia (exceptions will be made for nurses whose practice pre-dated 1918 - before registration legislation).
- The nurse will have practised nursing in the province of British Columbia.
- The nurse should have made a significant and exceptional contribution to nursing in British Columbia in at least three of the areas noted below.
- Demonstrated a leadership role in their time;
- Was among the first to act in implementing an innovation in the nursing profession;
- Carved out a new role for nurses;
- Was multi-faceted in carrying out their nursing role;
- Made a difference to the health of the people;
- Advanced the development of the nursing profession;
- Created nursing knowledge in one or more domains of nursing - administration, education, practice, research or advocacy;
- Demonstrated integrity and was honoured in the profession;
- Visionary or progressive for their time; and
- Set an example emulated by others.