RN Certified Practice

Registered Nurses (RNs) and Registered Psychiatric Nurses (RPNs) who hold certified practice designation with the BC College of Nurses and Midwives (BCCNM) may perform certain restricted activities within their autonomous scope of practice.

NNPBC is responsible for stewarding the DSTs for three certified practice areas including RN First Call, Remote Nursing and Reproductive Health (Contraceptive Management). The BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) is responsible for maintaining the DSTs for Reproductive Health (Sexually Transmitted Infections), and the BC Center for Substance Use (BCCSU) is responsible for maintaining the DSTs relevant to Opioid-Use Disorder. However, please note that NNPBC is responsible for maintaining the competencies for all five certified practice areas.

For inquiries related to BCCNM's responsibilities, please contact BCCNM directly. Inquires related to the maintenance of RN Certified Practice DSTs (RN First Call, Remote Nursing and Reproductive Health -Contraceptive Management) and Certified Practice Competencies can be directed to rncertifiedpracticedst@nnpbc.com.

To learn more about NNPBC's stewardship plan, see here.