RN Certified Practice DST - Change Request Form

NNPBC recognizes that as a Registered Nurse with Certified Practice using the Decision Support Tools (DSTs) you may, from time-to-time, notice areas that require review. The change request form below will allow you to submit your recommended changes to NNPBC's Professional Practice Department. Submissions are reviewed within seven business days.

Before completing your submission, we ask that you:

  1. Ensure you are viewing the most up to date versions of the RN Certified Practice DSTs by refreshing (CTRL + Refresh) your web browser and/or clearing your cache. The latest versions will be available here.
  2. Refer to the online version as opposed to print versions.

Please note, in urgent circumstances when using the DSTs, nurses are expected to make practice decisions based on individual practice competencies and in accordance with professional standards and scopes of practice as outlined by the BC College of Nurses and Midwives (BCCNM).

DST Change Request Form

We appreciate you taking the time to provide valuable information. The information collected will be used to inform us of the barriers to RN Certified Practice which in turn will help us tailor communication for RN Certified Practice, the development of DSTs, audit our own processes for DST development, and create an efficient review cycle of established DSTs.

The information you submit is considered as part of the development of scope for RNs and is not to be viewed as an inquiry into your personal professional practice.