BC Nurse Practitioners in the News

UPDATE, January 13, 2013:  The discussion around nurse practitioners in B.C. continues to evolve on the Globe and Mail Website.  On January 11, 2013, Dr. Ross submitted a Letter to the Editor [Click here to view] querying whether or not the 'numbers add up'.  Subsequentlly, Rosemary Graham, BCNPA President, has shared the following message with ARNBC [Click here to view].  The BCNPA would like to hear the views of nurses, colleagues and the public… Read More »BC Nurse Practitioners in the News

Making a Difference for those with Mental Illness, by Scott Harrison RN

The events of the past week in Newtown, Connecticut are almost beyond comprehension.  Whilst the media attempt to help the public ‘make sense’ of a senseless tragedy, social media sites are alive with debate on who is to blame, how further tragedy can be avoided and questions about what happens next. As a Registered Nurse who has worked with marginalized populations for my (to date) 20 year career in nursing,… Read More »Making a Difference for those with Mental Illness, by Scott Harrison RN

Mourning and Moving On in Newtown: How can nursing influence policy change?, by Suzanne Campbell NP PhD

It was a normal Friday morning and having not yet weaned myself from “Good Morning America” after six months in B.C., I was checking in on the news.  I was shocked to hear of a shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Connecticut, my home for the past twelve years until I moved to Vancouver last summer. Shock and disbelief followed, but the early reports did not sound too… Read More »Mourning and Moving On in Newtown: How can nursing influence policy change?, by Suzanne Campbell NP PhD

A Nursing Call to Action: Are we ready to respond?, by Jeanne Besner RN PhD

In the recently released report of the National Expert Commission (NEC), nurses were challenged to use their collective knowledge to be a mighty force in ensuring better health, better care and better value in healthcare delivery for all Canadians. The Commission noted that new models of care delivery “should be centred on what individuals and families need, should treat the individual as a whole person…, and should ensure that all… Read More »A Nursing Call to Action: Are we ready to respond?, by Jeanne Besner RN PhD

Flu Shots for Healthcare Workers: Government Answers Your Questions

On October 24, 2012, we posted about Government’s new influenza protection policy for health workers.  The discussion has been ongoing ever since, and several nurses have submitted comments or emailed us with questions about how the new policy will impact them.  Not wanting to leave our readers hanging, we asked the Ministry to provide answers to some of the key questions nurses have raised. 1.  Could the Association work with… Read More »Flu Shots for Healthcare Workers: Government Answers Your Questions

Improving the Healthcare System: Dialogues, Reflections, Inspirations and Worries, by Doris Grinspun RN PhD

In November 2002, Roy Romanow issued his report Building on Values: The Future of Health Care in Canada which strongly supported Canada’s publicly administered and financed universal healthcare system, with its cornerstone being Medicare. The Commission came squarely against privatization of healthcare, stating that there was no evidence in support of such a move, and it was not congruent with the values of Canadians as expressed throughout the robust consultative process… Read More »Improving the Healthcare System: Dialogues, Reflections, Inspirations and Worries, by Doris Grinspun RN PhD

President’s Update: Consultations Wind Up, by Susan Duncan RN PhD

Between February and May of this year, the ARNBC travelled around British Columbia and met with registered nurses in small towns, community health centres, urban areas and hospitals.  The resulting focus groups and conversations provided the Association with a wealth of information about the challenges nurses face, the pride they have in their profession and the belief we all share in the need for a strong policy voice for nursing… Read More »President’s Update: Consultations Wind Up, by Susan Duncan RN PhD

Nursing Online for End-of-Life Care?, by Brenda Hearson RN

When I started nursing over thirty years ago, I never would have thought I would be nursing online, but here I am – a palliative care clinical nurse specialist with Canadian Virtual Hospice. Every day I help people across the country. In one morning I may consult with a nurse in Penticton seeking a second opinion about a complex pain issue, locate support services for a patient in Peterborough or… Read More »Nursing Online for End-of-Life Care?, by Brenda Hearson RN

Update: Flu Shots - The Healthy Choice, by Leanna Loy RN

On August 23, 2012, the B.C. Government introduced new influenza measures designed to protect patients and seniors from being exposed to influenza.  ARNBC has been discussing the importance of nurses getting flu shots for quite some time, and was pleased to publish a blogpost on the topic written by Board Member Leanna Loy (October 24, 2011).

In light of the changes initiated by government, we are pleased to re-post “Flu Shots – The Healthy Choice” to provide some context around the current discussion.  We encourage all nurses to reflect on this important issue and share your thoughts about the new policy in the comments section below.

Read More »Update: Flu Shots - The Healthy Choice, by Leanna Loy RN

Nurses do that???? by Nickie Snyder RN

In order to effectively advocate for health issues and the nursing profession, the public needs to understand what nurses do. However many people still do not know the vast range of activities nurses perform. This summer, many of us will gather with friends and family for BBQs. We will eat, talk, laugh and share. Inevitably, at some point the conversation will turn to work.  Many of you will make a… Read More »Nurses do that???? by Nickie Snyder RN